Thompson Baptist Church on Jackson Street in Thompson PA, is an independent local fellowship of believers. We believe in a solid Bible teaching and a friendly family atmosphere. We are a church that has strong convictions, yet is filled with love for fellow believers and a sincere desire to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
Mens Breakfast
Last Saturday of the Month at 7 am
March 31st
He is Risen! Resurrection Sunday
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

The History of Thompson Baptist Church
Organized as Thompson Free-Will Baptist Church on November 16th, 1867. The Church was incorporated on January 11th 1875. The present church building was dedicated on June 4th 1876. According to the records, the church was closed during the year 1905 for unknown reasons. However in April of 1906, it was reopened, and in December of 1906 a unique baptismal service was held. Because there was yet no Baptist in the church building, a hole was cut in the ice on the Spencer Mill Pond. As a labor of love, serval men of the church who worked at the Borden Creamery, donated the money to buy the bell (which is still in use) and installed it in the belfry. Later the church building, which had no basement was raised and a basement dug out. Also two rooms and a Baptistry were added behind the auditorium. Around 1924 or 1925 the first rural Daily Vacation Bible School was held. During 1945, the Sunday School session and the morning worship were established. Then during 1946 to 1948 major changes in the appearance to the building was made by removing the old ponderous steps from the front and placing the entrance on the west side at the grade level. The beautiful stained glass window in the front replaced the old entrance. Since the early church, woman have been a vital part in the local assembly , as the woman of Thompson Baptist met regularly for Prayer and Bible study, which still continues today . In 1964 built in cupboards were put in the church kitchen and an electric water heater was installed. That same year the church purchased an electric organ which has added inspiration to the worship of our Wonderful Lord. And during the years of 1992-1999 several church projects were done, one such project was rather a large job which included adding insulation to the church. Another worship instrument was also purchased which is the churches beloved Baldwin Piano.Shortly after 2003 a great number of repairs took place, for instance the furnace room needed to meet current inspection regulations. The garage was in need of repair and an emergency exit was built. Also the bell tower needed repairing as well as installing a new rope. Lastly a new baptistry was purchased to replace the existing one that had fallen into disrepair. In 2007 a new roof was placed on the church building.In the reading of Thompson Baptist Church history, it would seem that all was accomplished through the works of many hands as members and pastors since the founding of the church. HOWEVER nothing could be further from the truth. If it were not for the Grace of God and His Providential Hand on this church, the doors would have closed years ago. Over the years there has been discouragement and optimism, blessings within and attacks from without. But through it all, the LORD has had a plan for Thompson Baptist Church, and we can scarcely wait to see what He has planned for the future of this church.